While I napped, we got a new apt – Debian apt command cheat sheet

I’m now awake, everyone!  I must have been asleep (and perhaps you were too) since the Debian apt ecosystem now includes an “apt” binary that vastly improves the way we interact with the Debian package management ecosystem.  You can now use the single apt executable instead of apt-get, apt-cache, etc. for many common use cases.  These are groundbreaking changes for the better! My hope is that this post will accelerate your productivity whether you are using Ubuntu, Raspbian, or one of the many other other Linux distros based on Debian. Scenario: You want to install the cowsay package because you know that a Linux system is not complete without it. 🙂 Given this context, let’s get started using Read More

Raspbian Lite

Create a Lightweight Raspberry Pi System with Raspbian Lite

In this tutorial, we’re going to build a highly optimized Raspberry Pi system that runs very lean on resources with the help of Raspbian Lite.  Whereas a baseline Raspbian system consumes around 158 MB of RAM, Raspbian Lite runs at a mere 34 MB.  To achieve this lighter weight footprint, we must give up the graphical user interface (GUI); however, we’ll include steps in the build (and tips) to help us work productively without a GUI. This guide follows the same flow as my popular Beginner’s Guide to Installing Node.js on a Raspberry Pi, and I recommend that you use that guide if you are a beginner or if you simply Read More
