Count array items in JavaScript

How to Count Unique Items in JavaScript Arrays

The fish 🐟 in our home aquarium aren’t very communicative. I don’t necessarily need them to communicate their deepest emotions, but it would be helpful if they would at least tell me when they are hungry. Believe it or not, they don’t. Alas, when I peer inside the aquarium, I don’t know if they are hungry or if someone else in the family has already fed them breakfast🍩 or dinner🍕. IoT to the rescue! I am in the process of creating a system that enables our family to log when the fish have been fed. The feeding times can be logged by pressing a push-button on a circuit board connected Read More

Node.js Handlebars

Learn Handlebars with Node.js and Help Freddy’s Fish Too

Our friend Freddy Fishman needs our help. He recently launched an aquaponics business to raise fish 🐟 and cultivate underwater plants, and he needs a real-time report to ensure the environmental conditions of his fish tanks are optimized so both his fish and plants can thrive. Another friend of his wired up some Arduino-based fish tank sensors and created a data stream that flows to a local JSON file; therefore, the data foundation is already in place. Can we help Freddy and his fish farm? I think we’re up for the task! We’ll help Freddy and we’ll help ourselves as we learn how to use Handlebars, a templating library that Read More
