How to Host a Raspberry Pi Web Server on the Internet with ngrok

Raspberry Pi ngrok

In Create a Web Server in Node without any Code, we used the http-server npm module to create a web server and serve up files in record time. Today I will share a way you can take the web server you built and make it available beyond your local network and on the public Internet. This is cool trick, but I recommend that you use this with caution as this will open a hole in your router/firewall when you make your web server available to the world. Let's get started!

Article contents

Create simple Node.js web server

We'll start by creating a simple web server in Node.js. See Create a Web Server in Node without any Code for a few more details, but here's a high level review of the core steps needed to create and host a quick web server using Node.js. As an alternative, you can create a web server using NGINX or other web server of choice if desired. We want to get a web server up and running so we can move on to the next step and serve HTTP content from our Pi to the public Internet.

  1. Install Node.js on your Raspberry Pi following the steps in my Beginners Guide to Installing Node.js on a Raspberry Pi. See here for the Node.js specific installation steps.

  2. Install the http-server npm package globally so it is available as a command anywhere on the RasPi rather than just in the current directory:

    $ sudo npm install -g http-server
  3. Create a Public directory in the root of your home directory and navigate to that directory:

    $ mkdir ~/Public && cd ~/Public

    If we are trying to up our game in the command-line arena, we could have also used the bash $_ expression which expands to the last argument of the previous command. (This is /Public from the previous mkdir command in this context.)

    $ mkdir ~/Public && cd $_
  4. Create a basic web page using an editor such as leafpad or nano or paste the following in the terminal to circumvent the editor. Be sure to hit the Enter key after pasting the command.

    $ cat << EOF > index.html
        Welcome to my website!
  5. Launch the web server:

    $ http-server
    Starting up http-server, serving ./
    Available on:
    Hit CTRL-C to stop the server

    How cool is that? One simple command and we are up and running with a web server and serving our newly minted HTML file.

  6. Launch the web browser included with Raspbian and enter the following URL in the address bar:


    It works! This Node http-server package is pure genius, and it is super simple to use.

    RasPi web browser

Make RasPi Web Server Available on the Internet with ngrok

Now that we have a web server running on port 8080, let's make it available on the Internet with the help of ngrok, a tool for exposing local servers behind NATs and firewalls to the public internet over secure tunnels.

While we could download the grok binary from the grok website, we'll use a Node.js npm package to streamline the installation process.

  1. Open a new terminal window since the previous terminal window is already running our web server.

  2. Install the ngrok package as a globally available executable. We need to install with the --unsafe-perm flag to enable the underlying ngrok package to run its postinstall script as root to download and save the ngrok binary in the global node_modules folder.

    $ sudo npm install --unsafe-perm -g ngrok
  3. Start up ngrok to tunnel http traffic from the outside world to our web server running on localhost port 8080 of our RasPi.

    $ ngrok http 8080
    ngrok by @inconshreveable                                                     (Ctrl+C to quit)
    Session Status                online
    Account                       thisDaveJ (Plan: Free)
    Version                       2.2.8
    Region                        United States (us)
    Web Interface       
    Forwarding           -> localhost:8080
    Forwarding           -> localhost:8080
    Connections                   ttl     opn     rt1     rt5     p50     p90
                                  0       0       0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00

    We are up and running! You can now use the "Forwarding" address listed to navigate to your RasPi web server running on localhost port 8080 from the public Internet.

  4. To test, launch a web browser on your phone (assuming it is not connected to your local Wi-Fi network) to prove that you can access your RasPi web server. Based on my context here, I would enter one of the following URLs in the address bar:  

    Bam! The ngrok tool has enabled us to make our RasPi hiding behind our NAT firewall available on the public Internet.

    As a bonus tip, ngrok provides a web interface you can launch at from within your RasPi to inspect the request headers and other aspects of the traffic being served up through the ngrok tunnel.

  5. Enter Ctrl+C to terminate the ngrok tunnel connection.

Install ngrok-notify so we can send the tunnel URL via email

We'd like to be able to reboot our RasPi and automatically start both our web server and the ngrok tunnel, so we can visit our web server over the Internet. The problem is that we currently need to launch ngrok manually and read the ngrok tunnel "forwarding" URL which changes every time we launch ngrok. How will we solve this dilemma?

Fortunately for you and for me, I have developed an npm package called ngrok-notify to help us overcome these obstacles. 😄

  1. Install the ngrok-notify package as a globally available executable. Once again, we need to install with the --unsafe-perm flag to enable the underlying ngrok package to run its postinstall script as root to download and save the ngrok binary in the global node_modules folder.

    $ sudo npm install --unsafe-perm -g ngrok-notify

    An npm install of ngrok-notify will also install ngrok so it it not necessary to install ngrok separately.

  2. Create an ngrok directory in the root of your home directory and navigate to that directory:

    $ mkdir ~/ngrok && cd $_
  3. Modify your Gmail account (or create a separate Gmail account for sending messages) and configure it for less secure apps. This is needed so the underlying npm module used by ngrok-notify for sending email (Nodemailer) can send email using Gmail. See also the Nodemailer notes on using Gmail.

  4. Copy the starter configuration files into this directory:

    $ ngrok-notify init
    Added file: .env
    Added file: config.yml
    Please update config.yml and .env with your info so you can send an email through GMail.

    As shown in the command output, the init command adds a couple of configuration files used by ngrok-notify that we can modify for our needs.

  5. Edit the config.yml file and add email recipients and your Gmail user name. (We support Gmail only rather than other email providers since Gmail is ubiquitous and relatively easy to configure.) Lines starting with "# are treated as comments and ignored. Here is the file that is generated by default:

      # Optional parameters
      #subdomain: alex # reserved tunnel name
      #region: us # one of ngrok regions (us, eu, au, ap), defaults to us
      - [email protected]
      #- [email protected]
      subject: ngrok URL for {proto} on port {port}
      message: "The ngrok URL for {proto} on port {port} is: {url}"
    # Gmail credentials
      user: [email protected]
      # This password is used if you don't set one in the .env file. The .env location is recommended.
      password: mySecretPasswordHere

    As a side note, keep in mind that we can also utilize email to send SMS (text) messages. For example, to send a text message to 610-555-1234, you can simply send an email message to [email protected], assuming the cell phone number is a T-Mobile subscriber. See this page for a list of SMS email addresses used by many carriers.

  6. Edit the .env file and enter your Gmail password:

    ### Optional sections below ###
    ##auth = "user:pwd" # http basic authentication for tunnel
    ## authtoken from
  7. Launch ngrok-notify to create an ngrok http tunnel to expose port 8080 running on the localhost to the world. (Please ensure you launch this command from the directory containing the ngrok-notify configuration files you just modified above.)

    $ ngrok-notify http 8080

    An ngrok tunnel on the Internet will be created and the ngrok URL will be printed to the console. Additionally, ngrok-notify will send you an email with the ngrok URL. Very awesome!

    Here is the email I received: ngrok-notify email

  8. Review the ngrok-notify help information to understand the additional capabilities available:

    $ ngrok-notify --help
    Create ngrok tunnel to expose localhost to the web and notify with ngrok URL
    Usage: ngrok-notify PROTO PORT [-n]
           ngrok-notify init [-f]
    Positional arguments:
      PROTO           Protocol to use in the ngrok tunnel {http,tcp,tls}
      PORT            Port number of the localhost service to expose (e.g. 8080)
      init            Copy starter config files into directory for customizing
    Optional arguments:
      -n, --noemail   Do not send an email providing the URL of the ngrok tunnel
      -h, --help      Show help
      -v, --version   Display version information
      -f, --force     Overwrite config files in directory if they exist.
      Email messages are sent using the settings in the config.yml file and the
      Gmail password stored in the .env file.
      Create ngrok tunnel to expose localhost web server running on port 8080.
      Email is sent with the ngrok URL since "--noemail" is not included.
      $ ngrok-notify http 8080
      Create ngrok tunnel to expose localhost web server running on port 8080,
      but don't send email.
      $ ngrok-notify http 8080 -n

Configure the web server and ngrok tunnel to launch automatically using pm2

We're into the final stretch! In this section, we'll use the awesome pm2 tool to keep our web server and ngrok tunnel alive forever. Every time we reboot our RasPi, pm2 will start up both the web server and the ngrok tunnel using ngrok-notify and we will receive an email with the new ngrok tunnel URL every time it changes. PM2 has many other awesome features including load balancing, but we'll keep focused on our immediate use case in this tutorial.

  1. Install the latest stable version of pm2 as a global executable:

    $ sudo npm install -g pm2@latest
  2. Navigate to the directory containing our web content we want to serve on the Internet:

    $ cd ~/Public
  3. If you are still running http-server in another terminal, go to that terminal window and invoke Ctrl+C now to kill the process.

  4. Start http-server with pm2:

    $ pm2 start http-server

    Running the above command will start the http-server and add the process to pm2's list of processes to manage and keep alive forever.

  5. Navigate to the directory containing the ngrok-notify configuration files:

    $ cd ~/ngrok
  6. Start ngrok-notify with pm2:

    $ pm2 start ngrok-notify -- http 8080

    Please note that we need to include the "--" to enable us to pass additional arguments to pm2.

  7. List the current processes managed by pm2. You should see a process for the http-server and ngrok-notify.

    $ pm2 list
    │ App name     │ id │ version │ mode │ pid  │ status │ restart │ uptime │ cpu  │ mem       │ user │ watching │
    │ http-server  │ 0  │ N/A     │ fork │ 2002 │ online │ 0       │ 26s    │ 0.1% │ 33.9 MB   │ pi   │ disabled │
    │ ngrok-notify │ 1  │ N/A     │ fork │ 2008 │ online │ 0       │ 26s    │ 1.6% │ 37.7 MB   │ pi   │ disabled │
    Use `pm2 show <id|name>` to get more details about an app
  8. If you made a mistake and need to kill and re-create a process, use the pm2 delete command. For example, to kill the first process:

    $ pm2 delete 0

    ... and then issue another pm2 start command.

  9. Create a system startup script so pm2 will launch on system reboot.

    $ pm2 startup
    [PM2] Init System found: systemd
    [PM2] To setup the Startup Script, copy/paste the following command:
    sudo env PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin /usr/lib/node_modules/pm2/bin/pm2 startup systemd -u pi --hp /home/pi

    As instructed, copy and paste the command given to create a startup script. The instructions for my system are shown above as an example.

    Please note that pm2 startup merely creates a startup script and only needs to be invoked once. The list of apps in pm2 list can be modified at any time using pm2 delete to remove processes and pm2 start to add processes. The processes listed in pm2 list will be restarted whenever you reboot your machine or if they die unexpectedly while your machine is up.

  10. Reboot your machine.

    PM2 should automatically start both the http-server and ngrok-notify processes. You should also receive an email with the new ngrok tunnel URL.

  11. If you no longer want PM2 to start automatically on system boot, issue the following command:

    $ pm2 unstartup

    Copy and paste the command provided to prevent pm2 from starting automatically on subsequent system boots.

PM2 is an amazing tool! You can visit the PM2 home page to learn more. Also, they have this handy cheat sheet highlighting additional functionality that is available.


We accomplished a lot in a short amount of time! To review, we:

  • Created a web server on our Raspberry Pi using the Node http-server executable.
  • Hosted this web server on the Internet for people outside our NAT/firewall to visit using ngrok.
  • Added the ability to receive an email containing the ngrok tunnel URL using ngrok-notify.
  • Configured our Raspberry Pi to automatically start our web server, ngrok tunnel, and send us an email using pm2.

I hope you learned some new things today and had fun too!

Follow @thisDaveJ (Dave Johnson) on Twitter to stay up to date with the latest tutorials and tech articles.

Additional articles

Guide to Using Redis with Node.js
How to Set up a Firewall for Redis using ufw
Guide to Installing Node.js on a Raspberry Pi
How to Count Unique Items in JavaScript Arrays

Last updated Jan 29 2019


14 thoughts on “How to Host a Raspberry Pi Web Server on the Internet with ngrok

    1. Yes, an npm install of ngrok-notify will also install ngrok so it it not necessary to install ngrok separately.

    1. Jason, I tested the latest version of the code (which hasn’t changed in a couple months) and everything works. Be sure to include the “-e” or “–email” argument to ensure the email gets sent. For example,

      ngrok-notify http 8080 --email

      If the email fails to get sent due to invalid GMail credentials, etc., you’ll probably get some feedback on the command line to help in the troubleshooting process.

      1. First of all, thanks for the great tutorial! Really helpful. I was missing `–email` part from your comment above, without it the email sending is not working, maybe it will be good to include it in the main content of the article. Cheers

  1. hey Dave J. Great work with ng-notify develop. congrats. is useful for my scenarios.

    good regards since colombia

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