
Computer Terminal

Connecting to a Local Redis Server

The redis-cli provides a command-line interface to the Redis server. To connect to the local Redis server (i.e. the Redis server running on the same machine as the redis-cli), invoke redis-cli without arguments:

$ redis-cli

After running this command, you will be greeted with an interactive prompt for typing Redis commands:>

The prompt indicates that we have connected to a Redis server running on the localhost ( which is running on the default Redis TCP port (port 6379).

From here, you can enter various commands such as the set command:> set key1 hello

Type "exit" to leave the Redis prompt:> exit

A cool feature of the `redis-cli is that in provides hints in light gray as you type commands:


This is a pretty amazing command-line interface feature!

Running a Redis Command Non-interactively

You can run Redis commands non-interactively without the Redis prompt as follows:

$ redis-cli set key1 hello

You can also get values back and use them in other bash scripts:

$ result=$(redis-cli get key1)
$ echo $result

I love the simplicity and beauty of this command-line tool!

Connecting to a Remote Redis Server

To connect to a remote server running Redis (a server named raspi in this case), issue the following command:

$ redis-cli -h raspi

More Information

See the redis-cli reference for a list of other redis-cli command line arguments.

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